The Board of Directors are pleased to announce that fees for next season will remain unchanged.  This represents our 5th consecutive year of no registration fee increases.

The Board wishes to extend thanks to Terry Thomason who runs both our local Tournaments, the Early Bird and the Challange Cup.  These tournaments bring the Association a total of over $25,000 which contributes significantly to keep costs from rising.

The Board also wishes to thank Willie Cowie and Jennifer McCharles for coordinating our Bingos.  This past season saw each team run a bingo and these funds also help keep our registration costs down.  Thank you to all of these volunteers!

We also introduced TeamSnap this past season which provided some much needed structure to our registration process and saved many hours for volunteers and paid staff.  Special thanks to our Office Manager Lindsay Beattie who continues her tireless work in keeping our Association organized and moving forward.  Lindsay has been instrumental in the implementation of a number of new processes designed to keep costs down.

Registration fees for next season can be found on our registration page.  The registration portal is now open for next season.  We will be accepting monthly installments, register now to have 6 payments!  All registrations must be paid by October 1st, 2019