NOHA Vaccination Policy Update – October 5, 2021

As we continue to operate through these unprecedented times, please be aware that the NOHA Board of Directors has had multiple discussions since the summer about ways to enable players to continue playing this great game of hockey as safely as possible.

On September 9, 2021, the NOHA announced a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy that required all Participants born in 2009 or earlier to be fully vaccinated to participate in NOHA-sanctioned Programming.

The NOHA Board of Directors amended this policy on September 17, 2021. This decision was based on information from the Provincial Government that exempted Players who are between 12 to 17 years of age to be vaccinated.

Although the COVID-19 situation is ever-evolving, the health and priority of all Participants remains the number one priority of the NOHA. The Executive has continued to review appropriate information and has engaged in communication with legal counsel and various public health authorities, including the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Province of Ontario, Dr. Moore and his colleague, Dr. Warshafsky. See the enclosed letter from Dr. Moore here.

After carefully considering the evolving public health response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and considering the close contact nature of our game, the NOHA Board of Directors has decided to revert to the NOHA Vaccine Policy dated September 9, 2021, which will require all Players born in 2009 or earlier to be fully vaccinated. The policy has been amended to reflect a new timeline to be fully vaccinated. Click here for the full policy.

Note that the NOHA policy also references On-Ice Officials, Volunteers, Team Officials, however per the direction of the five (5) Public Health Units in the NOHA Territory, these participants must be fully vaccinated by October 14, 2021 in order to enter the facilities in Northern Ontario.

While we understand that there may be disappointment in the change to the NOHA policy, we assure you that the decision is being made in the best interest of all Participants to provide us with the best opportunity to play a full hockey season, without the stops and starts that we encountered for much of the last season.

Should there be anything that the NOHA can do to support you through this difficult period, please do not hesitate to contact your District Council Director.

Letter – NOHA Vaccination Policy October 5, 2021

NOHA Vaccination Policy Version 3 – Updated October 5, 2021

Letter from Chief Medical Officer of Health